Friday, February 9, 2007

Inspiration to Blog have I found...

If you say the title to this blog with a Yoda-voice, it makes it seem of utmost importance...

Anyways, my friend Skye put this bug into my head that my life is actually pretty interesting and that I should write a blog about it, as people might actually want to read about it. I resisted the idea initially, weighing the time commitment to blog against all the other crap I do on the computer, how much it would cut into music practice time, how my dog might miss yet another walk due to my fanatical typing, but justification managed to squeeze through the crack under the guise of "writing practice" - as I do enjoy writing. I used to keep a journal, I scribble down potential song lyrics, and I when I was in school I really got into writing some essays if the subject matter wasn't excessively dull. I also got inspired after reading Skye's blog at and a friend of a friend's blog at - I also thought this might turn into a future time-saver, as instead of writing cheesy emails to my more distant friends, I can just tell them to read my blog - waalaa!

So, here's what I currently do in a nutshell:
  • I play rhythm guitar and buckdance for The Tallboys
  • I raise chickens in the middle of Seattle
  • Street Performing is how my sweety and I earn most of my bread, catsitting, shoe-cobbling, buckdance-teaching, web/graphics design, and the occasional tattoo-giving are other forms of profiteering that I engage in.
  • I've share my crows-nest abode with the most awesome and bizarre boyfriend in the world, the best dog ever, and two very obnoxious cats.
  • I'm doing all I can to raise awareness on how hip the Old Time Music scene is in Seattle, and how totally amazing squaredancing and buckdancing is.
  • I believe in sustainable living, and if you don't, then you should be forcably disconnected from society and made to live in the bowels of the wilderness (or better yet, war-torn Iraq) until you figure out how to survive on your own with nothing, cause that's what's going to happen to you anyways if people don't start consciously recycling and composting, stop eating crap, stop driving gas-guzzling polluting vehicles, etc etc...I'll stop, you've all heard this rant I'm sure.
  • I'm all about quiting working for the man and pursuing your life dreams, if more people did so, the world would be such a better place!
  • I dig knitting, painting, crafting, gardening, cooking, nutrition, herbs, mushrooms, woodworking, and all that jazz...

Hope you enjoy reading this rant and the many more to come!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You haven't added anything. I suppose you're busy, but it's the middle of winter. You could post stuff about being an urban farmer with chickens and wooden tap shoes and being a D.I.Y Diva.
