Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chicken Coop Pictures

So, here's the long-overdue pics of our new "chicken fortress" - this one is totally raccoon-proof! My neighbor and I assembled this over about 5 days using mostly free and recycled materials. We hit the free pile at the Restore and got most of the lumber, and managed to get some awesome corrugated plastic roofing for free by the side of the road. It has a large window on the south-facing side that we can leave open in the summer (it's screened in with hardware cloth). The front has a window that opens over the nest box for egg collection, and two large doors that can be opened for cleaning... we even put in a linoleum floor for easy cleaning!

And here are some pics of our beautiful hens, we've got the variety pack - 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Silver-laced Wyandotte, 1 Black Astrolarp, and 1 Golden-laced Seabright Bantam!

1 comment:

  1. Nice coop, and's from recycled materials!

    Btw, I write for making chicken coops, please drop by :-)
